
How to buy used machinery which looks and works like a brand new, but only at fraction of the cost o


No doubt if financially possible, new machines is the way most of us will go. there is a lot of used machinery also out there in the market, and not all of the really give you a bang for your bucks.

But we all know customers always dream about great deals, getting top machines without paying top dollar. Well, not everyday will happen, but there is a chance you can have a quality machine at very good cost

The answer is: Find a refurbished machine that has been refurbished by a quality service company or the manufacturer itself.

Yes, a lot of the machines in market are designed to work for decades and with right care and over haul can be used again for many years to come.

Qualified Refurbishment Companies hunt in the market for quality machines that passed their years of easy maintenance, sometimes have long hours or years but they have been built by good manufacturers and they have solid structure.

For example some of top quality Shear-Balers have a strong solid structure that can easily work more than 30 years.

A qualified and smart service company can change Hydraulic and Electrical systems or even upgrade them, if the machine runs on diesel engine over haul the engine (or even change it to give more peace of mind) and do required structural work to make the machine work smooth.

Once all the job is done, with one nice painting the machine will look like brand new.

In this way, you have a machine which can perform for years like a brand new machine but comes at very competitive price, which can be a very good way for smaller companies to enter in market and build a stronger base for their business

Contact us if you are looking for a good quality refurbished machine.